Here's another variation on the equipment used by some of the most prolific RBN nodes, from Drew, K3PA:
"As the tradeoff between low band
overload and high band sensitivity is so often noted, here is the
approach I took. I wanted to spot 10 bands (incl 6M), and so needed
two QS1R units in any case. I use a 18 foot vertical with a unity gain
buffer (a YCCC RX circle amp) for 160 through 15m on the -1 node. It
has reduced sensitivity on 15M and up, due to the antenna design AND the
buffer, AND the QS1R.
So, to spot 15/12/10/6, I have a
separate antenna, an omni horizontal, basically a clone of a
multiband "spider", which we used to call a "squalo" on 6M. That
antenna has a low noise figure, high intercept 16 dB gain preamp
on it. (Homebrew MOSFET type) It generally hears better than the
vertical on those bands. I let both skim 15M with separate IDs as
either can be better on 15.
As a benefit, I believe I have
the only 6M node in the central US area. I'd like to get it a little
higher and away from household spurs but it does OK.
Jeff, AC0C is in my immediate
geographical area also, and he has a more complicated setup leveraging
his main TX antennas as well as an 8 circle and a vertical. He also
skims RTTY. But no 6 meters there. His node hears
extraordinarily well on 160. (Ask the east coast guys.) Similar
to me on other CW bands."
I hope you're finding this series interesting and perhaps even inspiring. Europe's next.
73, Pete N4ZR
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Thursday, July 18, 2019
W3LPL's Solution by Frank Donovan, W3LPL
Somewhat in the same vein as my last post, about WZ7I's RBN node, here is W3LPL's setup, in his own words (warning, this post may trigger severe aluminum-envy):
I use an extremely complex system of nearly two dozen large
feeding a nine port combiner
that then feeds a single QS1R.
The secret to the combiner design is my W3LPL band pass filters (Google it).
Unlike many filters, my band pass filters have approximately 50 ohm
impedance in-band and are high impedance out of band. This
allows the output side of up to five filters to be connected together to
form a frequency selective
signal combiner.
I built a low band combiner and a high band combiner that
on this band pass filter characteristic:
- a 160, 80, 40 and 30
meter combiner, and
- a 20, 17, 15, 12,
and 10 meter combiner.
The two combiners feed a 3
dB splitter -- operating as a passive combiner --
which then feeds the QS1R input.
A Clifton Labs preamp in front of each of the 17, 15, 12 and 10 meter filters
optimizes QS1R sensitivity on those bands.
Additional bandpass
filters at the
inputs of each of the 17, 15, 12 and 10 meter preamps protects them from
This arrangement results in an excellent nine input
signal combiner with
one output feeding a
single QS1R.
Treating each band independently (they are highly
isolated from each
other), these antennas feed each of the nine combiner inputs:
160 meters: any combination of receiving antennas
manually selected
by a K9AY switch feeds the combiner. The most frequently
used receiving
antenna is a 160 meter
W8JI/W5ZN/N4HY eight circle array pointed NE.
80 meters: any
combination of receiving antennas manually selected
by a K9AY switch feeds the combiner. The most frequently
used receiving
antenna is an 80 meter
W8JI/W5ZN/N4HY eight circle array pointed NE.
40 meters: two 3 element full size Yagis feed the
combiner through a
matching transformer. The most common configuration is a 3 element
Yagi 200 feet high pointed
NE and a 3 element
Yagi 100 feet high pointed
at 130 degrees azimuth. When the 40 meter transmitter is transmitting
during contests, a relay
switches the
combiner input to any
of receiving antennas
manually selected by a K9AY switch. The most
frequently used receiving antenna is a 40 meter W8JI/W5ZN/N4HY
eight circle array pointed
30 meters: a full size 3
element Yagi 120 feet high feeds the combiner,
typically pointed NE.
20 meters: three six element Yagis feed the combiner
through a matching
transformer. The most common
configuration is a 200 foot high Yagi
pointed at 120 degrees and a pair of stacked Yagis
pointed NE. When
the 20 meter transmitter is transmitting during
contests, a relay switches
the combiner input to a four square receiving antenna
typically pointed NE.
17 meters: a 5 element
Yagi 120 feet high feeds the combiner, typically
pointed NE.
15 meters: three seven element Yagis feed the
combiner through a matching
transformer. The most common configuration is a 200 foot high Yagi
at 120 degrees and a pair of stacked Yagis
pointed NE. When
the 15 meter
transmitter is transmitting during
contests, a relay switches the combiner input
to a four square receiving antenna
typically pointed NE.
12 meters: a 5 element
Yagi 130 feet high feeds the combiner, typically
pointed NE.
10 meters: three eight
element Yagis feed the combiner through a matching
transformer The most common configuration is a 200
foot high Yagi pointed
east and a pair of stacked Yagis
pointed south. When
the 10 meter transmitter
is transmitting during
contests, a relay switches the combiner input to a
four square receiving
antenna typically pointed south.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
What It Takes by Wes Cosand, WZ7I
The following article was contributed by Wes, WZ7I, one of the longest-running RBN node-ops at 10 years and counting. As you know if you follow such things, Wes is one of the most prolific spotters as well. The number of spots and the SNRs his station produces are proof of how well it works. Here's how he does it:
When I started contributing to the RBN ten years ago my priority was to make it
possible for the “rag-chewing” ham to know when his friends were on the air and
to allow the casual DXer to find CW contacts.
I used a HyGain “HyTower Jr” wire-loaded vertical, the Clifton Labs 11dB
Norton preamp, and when it became available, the QS1R and Skimmer Server. The HyGain vertical with 32 radials worked
pretty well on the wet ground in the woods and I was proud of how the neatly
the equipment was laid out on my bench above.
Pete, N4ZR, emailed recently asking if I would describe the
antennas and equipment that generate the data sent to the RBN. I feel awkward doing this because I’m a
biochemist, not an engineer, and I certainly am not presenting this as an
optimal receiving station. Rather I’m
describing the current state of the jumbled mess that evolved in my basement. If you promise not to laugh, here is a

But as the number of RBN nodes in the northeast US began to
grow it seemed like just another contributing omnidirectional receiving station
didn’t add much value. It also bugged
me that Dave, K1TTT, could hear stuff on his vertical that I couldn’t. I had discovered that reading brought me more
joy than operating so my transmitting antennas were sitting idle. Over a period of years I began to use the
transmitting antennas for skimming.
I didn’t have much luck using power combiners to feed the input of the QS1R with multiple antennas. I know other operators more skilled than I have had marked success using this technique. I attempted to balance the noise from my HF beam with my “shorty forty” using attenuators and preamps but I never got it to work. So when the Red Pitaya became available with two inputs I saw that as a marked advantage. I’ve still had to be cautious because in my hands the isolation between the inputs is not great. Perhaps I should limit my comment to say I often destroyed the sensitivity of the RP when I attempted to combine antennas.
I didn’t have much luck using power combiners to feed the input of the QS1R with multiple antennas. I know other operators more skilled than I have had marked success using this technique. I attempted to balance the noise from my HF beam with my “shorty forty” using attenuators and preamps but I never got it to work. So when the Red Pitaya became available with two inputs I saw that as a marked advantage. I’ve still had to be cautious because in my hands the isolation between the inputs is not great. Perhaps I should limit my comment to say I often destroyed the sensitivity of the RP when I attempted to combine antennas.
Here is a diagram of the three antennas I’m currently using
to generate the HF spots on the RBN:
The QS1R and the low band CW / RTTY Red Pitaya each have a
PC dedicated to them running the following software
Skimmer Server
RTTY Skimmer
Virtual Audio Cable
RCKskimmer for PSK31/63
WSJT-X for FT4
Dimension 4 for timing
The FT8 Red Pitayas have Pavel Demin’s FT8 receiver /
decoder and the “upload-to-RBN” software from Björn,
SM7IUN. I find this solution robust and
quite sensitive.
In the earliest
days of RTTY skimming I embarrassed myself with RTTY spots that were
off-frequency so now the frequency of the
QS1R is disciplined by a GPS unit from Leo Bodnar.
The Sommer antenna
is 30 years old and may have faulty components now. Its performance has always been better on 20
meters than 17, 15, 12 and 10 because on 20 it has a five element
closely-spaced log periodic covering the band.
Six meter skimming has been a source of frustration to me because I have no experience operating on the band. After multiple failures I have a system that has been stable for a couple weeks … chuckle. I have a stack of two PAR electronics OA-50 dipoles mounted on the side of the tower feeding a tower-mounted ARR P50VDG preamp through an Alpha-Delta surge protector. About 170 feet of Davis Bury-Flex runs to the basement where it goes through an additional surge protector. The 12 volts for the preamp runs up the tower in old RG-213 with the shield well grounded at the top. Currently I’m using a dedicated Red Pitaya and a copy of Skimmer Server set to “Aggressive” filtering. In addition this computer has the CWSL / HDSDR / WSJT-X stack for FT8, FT4, and MSK144. I would welcome anyone’s suggestions about how I might improve the sensitivity and, especially, the robustness of the system.
Six meter skimming has been a source of frustration to me because I have no experience operating on the band. After multiple failures I have a system that has been stable for a couple weeks … chuckle. I have a stack of two PAR electronics OA-50 dipoles mounted on the side of the tower feeding a tower-mounted ARR P50VDG preamp through an Alpha-Delta surge protector. About 170 feet of Davis Bury-Flex runs to the basement where it goes through an additional surge protector. The 12 volts for the preamp runs up the tower in old RG-213 with the shield well grounded at the top. Currently I’m using a dedicated Red Pitaya and a copy of Skimmer Server set to “Aggressive” filtering. In addition this computer has the CWSL / HDSDR / WSJT-X stack for FT8, FT4, and MSK144. I would welcome anyone’s suggestions about how I might improve the sensitivity and, especially, the robustness of the system.
After watching
the sensitivity of FT8 I am intrigued. I would like to try operating the mode
and if I ever get my HF transceiver back from the repair shop I’m planning to
turn off the skimming system during the weekdays and get on the air, at least
for a time. But I plan to be back on the
RBN during major contests.
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